The Pinning Ceremony (1st Semester Practice Teachers)

While waiting for the Seniors to be settled from our respective seats, I took a shot of the stage.
This was taken in my seat’s direction.

Some of the group pictures, some of the minutes taken from the event just to pose, smile and say cheese!:) Awesome pics following:)

A moment to capture (thanks to the timer:)) before we teach again our students:) In the pictures: I, Edda Esquilona, Yvette Buce, Maricel Aquino, Mekisa Amores and Shello Arboiz:)

Singing “practice teaching hymn”. Voila! A very fine day:D


In these photos: Efs Salita, Mekisa Amores, I, and Cha Badidles, Joar Concha.

Practice teachers just wanna have fun. This was the very first snap of our uniform.
Lots of thanks to Mr. Kevin DC Dela Cruz for the cool pics:)